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Contact Us
Contact us if you have questions regarding upcoming courses or questions about this website.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:
To withdraw from a course, participants will click on Registration History/Certificates, then click on Cancel Registration link under the appropriate event. Participants will receive a full refund when withdrawals are requested up to 8 calendar days before the first day of class. Participants will receive NO REFUND of fees for withdrawals requested 7 calendar days prior to, on, or after the first day of class. Participants may contact the AEA professional learning office administrator in the case of an emergency or a situation with extenuating circumstances to make a special request for a refund. Materials/other fees may not be refundable. If participants have questions about withdrawals, please email the sponsoring AEA's professional learning office.

Upcoming Sessions

Thursday 2/20/2025
CR - Tackling Chronic Absenteeism for School Teams (Cedar Falls)
Central Rivers AEA, Cedar Falls Office
Thursday 2/27/2025
CR - Tier One Behavior Practices for the Classroom
Central Rivers AEA, Cedar Falls Office
Friday 2/28/2025
CR - LETRS for Early Childhood Educators (Independence)
Independence CSD, Independence
Monday 3/3/2025
CR - The Numeracy Project Part 2 Workshop
Central Rivers AEA, Cedar Falls Office
Tuesday 3/4/2025
CR - Supporting Ongoing Achievement Responsively (SOAR) Domain: Numbers and Operations - Ratios and Proportional Reasoning (At Large)
Central Rivers AEA, Cedar Falls Office
CR - AI for Educators: Elevate Your Classroom
Central Rivers AEA, Cedar Falls Office
Wednesday 3/5/2025
CR - Paraeducator: Special Needs
Zoom (Central Rivers AEA), Virtual (Zoom)
Thursday 3/6/2025
CR - Supporting Ongoing Achievement Responsively (SOAR) Domain: Numbers and Operations - Multiplication and Division (Cedar Falls CSD)
Cedar Falls CSD, Cedar Falls Comm. Schools
more sessions...
1521 Technology Pkwy, Cedar Falls IA 50613 | Phone (319) 273-8200 |
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